To publish data on you must register an account with a valid work email address (typically a domain). Before doing this you must have appropriate permission from your entity to publish on their behalf. You will also be required to request publishing permissions from the team.
Landgate requires all new data custodians to get sign off from their organisation to before creating a publishing account. Landgate reviews publisher accounts periodically to ensure appropriate access to publish on is maintained.
We strongly recommend that you do not use an individual’s email address for the main management account for your organisation. It is much better to use a shared inbox as it provides for continuity should the named data custodian change.
To create an account:
- go to and complete the form on the page
- email with the following email to verify who you are and that you wish to be granted publishing privileges:
Dear Data WA,
On behalf of the {agency name}, I request a data publishing account on {agency name} will be responsible for the management of this account and the data that is published using it. {agency name} will notify the Open Data Team at Landgate as to any changes in ownership of the account and of any issues if they arise. The responsibility of publishing data appropriately, in accordance with privacy, security and other relevant considerations rests entirely with the data publisher and Landgate take no responsibility.
I have registered the account name {account name} with email address {email address} on and request access to the organisation(s) {organisation name(s)} to publish data and act as an administrator for my organisation.
I understand that Landgate intends to continue to provide as a whole of government data publishing platform at no cost to government data publishers. If circumstances change, Landgate will give data publishers at least 2 months notice.
Landgate will provide documentation and minimal free technical support to data publishers.